Keyword Research

If you can dream it, we can rank it.

No keyword is out of bounds. WebLoudly’ proprietary keyword research process drives real business impact by targeted conversion-focused keywords.


Mimics Google Search

WebLoudly is always driving an innovative approach to SEO. This includes our thematic approach to keyword selection. We do not cherry-pick random keyword, but choose keyword themes, just like Google’s search robots.

Purchase Intent Searches

The keywords we identify in each thematic keyword group are selected based on purchase intent. We don’t choose keywords just because they exist in a thematic keyword group – they need to drive qualified organic leads.

Highest Value Keywords

When selecting keywords to focus on within a thematic group, WebLoudly also chooses keywords that will create the biggest movement in qualified organic traffic. This involves a combination of search volume and search competition.


Scalable Campaigns

Launching a startup with limited capital? No problem. Want to test our process before ramping up budget? Sounds good to us. With WebLoudly, all campaigns are structured to allow for seamless scalability. We’ll prove our model and you’ll see revenue soar.

Real-time Analytics

Digestible reporting for those on the go and extensive reporting for those who want the nitty-gritty. Every report can be customized to show exactly what you want to know without hiding behind false statistics or confusing talking points.


Total Keyword Growth Visibility

The duplicity of the SEO industry is widely known. So how is WebLoudly different? We provide a revolutionary level of transparency into our campaigns – from backlink acquisition to on page optimization – so you can trust us to get the job done.

ROI Obsessed

By setting a data-centric foundation for each campaign, we can granularly track organic traffic revenue attribution through the WebLoudlyAnalytics® platform. Never guess again is SEO is generating a net-positive return – your team and your investors will love the financial insight.

The smart choice for smart SEO

Just say no to shady SEO without proper Keyword Analysis

WebLoudly’ team of SEO experts are on-the-ground working with each customer to ensure their SEO success. We base our SEO campaigns on verifiable, results-driven thematic keywords so you outrank the competition and feel confident in partnering with WebLoudly.

Our Battle SEO Audit® Process

Exhaustive and comprehensive…just the way it should be.

What is KW research?

At their core, keywords are one of — if not the most — single important component of a successful SEO campaign. Keywords refer to the words typed into a search box – be it on Google, Bing, or Yahoo. However, there is much more to keywords than just that. The keywords typed into a search box reveal certain details about customers and how they go about searching for things. Knowing this, it’s important to target keywords that mimic your customer’s minds and search tendencies.

Simply put, keyword research is the process of researching the keywords that search engine users are typing into search bars to find a certain service, product, or solution. In order to find the best keywords to target for your site, one must think like the customer and explore the keywords customers actually use to hopefully find their desired result. In a way, researching keyword is a process that, by strategically choosing keywords, ultimately assists users to find what they’re looking for.

Researching keywords is less about targeting search terms that talk about what your site provides and more about bringing the right visitors to your site. By targeting the motivations of customers and where they are in their buyer’s journey, researching keywords can be a bridge between a company and their potential customers.

Another aspect of the theory behind researching keywords is targeting keywords that are related to more general keywords known as “head terms” or longtail keywords. While long tail keywords get searched less than head terms, they actually make up a majority of searches conducted every day. In fact, they make up around 70% of the keywords used in search queries, making long tail keywords an incredibly effective way to gain traffic if targeted correctly.

Why is researching keywords important?

Search query research is important for a number of reasons. In fact, it’s necessary for SEO campaign.

Researching keywords is a driving force of any SEO campaign. Multiple aspects of an SEO campaign — from internal linking to SEO syndicated content, to content creation and more — are designed around the targeted keywords of a campaign. This is why at WebLoudly, we provide thematic keyword research.

Thematic keyword research helps sites rank more efficiently for keywords that are related to head terms. When a site targets certain keywords by creating relevant and related content, the themes in that content are indexed by search engine spiders, which are then more visible to Google as being relevant and authoritative in regards to that respective theme. The more relevant and authoritative Google sees a site, the better it ranks on search engine result pages (SERPs). Implementing targeted keywords into on page optimization and off page optimization efforts can thoroughly increase rankings on SERPs and drive more traffic and conversions.

How does researching keywords effect SEO

The benefits of thematic keyword research make their way into almost all SEO efforts. As it helps one aspect, another aspect is helped in response. However, thematic query research’s biggest effect is the way in drives the way an SEO campaign is mapped out from the start.

First off is content creation. Our thematic keyword research reveals the keywords and search tendencies that users are entering into search engines. We take these high volume keywords and begin to develop content that is focused around that keyword and relevant topics around it. This helps to rid the possibility of creating pointless content and provides users relevant content that actually benefits them by being topical and informative. Creating unique, relevant content to your site and core pages on your site help by increasing the authority Google perceives your site to have over the topic and keyword theme. Two birds, one stone.

The second way that thematic search query research drives our SEO campaigns is by supplying target keywords with appropriate volume and difficulty to use for anchor text when internally linking. Using those specific URLs that we pair with a theme of keywords, we internally link to core pages with certain keywords so those pages begin to communicate to Google that the pages are relevant to the term. By thematically internally linking throughout your website with topical keywords, it creates a daisy chain of links that communicates to an authoritative stance of your site and those topics to Google.

The third way thematic search query research benefits other SEO efforts is through meta descriptions and image alt text. Ensuring that targeted keywords are strategically placed in meta descriptions and image alt text maximizes the opportunities for a site to rank for the targeted keywords.

We aren’t reinventing the search terms research wheel, we’re just making it better.

“Their leadership makes the process so seamless. From project management to communication, it’s all exceptional!”

Alex Baradi

President , Exceptional Villas

We get results, plain and simple

There is Keyword Research ROI, and then there is everything else.

Organic traffic growth

Increasing traffic to a website is a tough egg to crack. Deciphering how to magically attract internet users to your website is tricky, but it’s necessary when the top driver of traffic on the internet is through search. A website needs to be search engine optimized while providing rich, informative content that your business’ ideal demographic will find useful.

Optimizing your website through on-page and off-page SEO practices help grow organic traffic by implementing specific attributes on your website that search engine crawlers would deem worthy of authority, which in turn move you higher up on search engine result pages.

The more search engines crawl your site and find useful content, correct backlinking, proper keyword usage and the like, the better a site ranks on search engines, which drives more traffic towards your site.

Integrating SEO strategies to grow organic traffic provides better long-term results than PPC traffic while being more cost-effective and more valuable to your website’s ranking and growth.

Click through rate (CTR)

A click through rate refers to how often people click on a call-to-action (CTA), email, or ad on your website. This metric gauges how well your keywords and CTA’s are performing. Seeing CTR’s for each keyword and ad on your website can help adjust those that aren’t performing. CTR’s help to determine whether the organic traffic generated by an SEO campaign is qualified traffic and if the leads generated can be classified as a marketing qualified lead. Tracking organic traffic throughout the marketing funnel helps to facilitate the appropriate stage of when to pursue qualified leads.

Goal/Ecommerce tracking

Depending on the size of business, goal tracking and ecommerce tracking help to communicate the effectiveness of an SEO campaign. All WebLoudly SEO campaigns utilize goal and ecommerce tracking to show how effective the SEO is. Tracking these metrics conveys the process of increased traffic turning into increased leads and increased leads turning into an increase in revenue.

Ready to dominate the first page of Google?

Our team of award-winning SEOs (and all-around awesome people) are ready to begin the SEO conversation for your website.

WebLoudly is an SEO agency that leverages a wealth of performance data and market research to create scientifically-driven SEO strategies. Our proprietary methodology combines the best of technology and people to deliver business-impacting results with breakneck speed. We’re driven by a passion to deliver great work and help great companies.


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